Friday, January 28, 2011

Numero Uno

Since I was a journalist for years, and very opinionated --friends have been on my back to start a blog.  Instead -- I started school at Adelphi University. Going for a masters in social work.

Prior to moving to Woodstock, I was a celebrity and travel in either NYC or LA.  Then, one day during a deadline, I logged onto and found the man I had been in love with since I was 11-years-old.  So I followed my heart and moved to New York to be with him.  While he was dying (more about that later), I began working for the Obama campaign and realized it was time to use what I had learned in life to help people who were going through difficulties I had experienced.  Peter passed away November 14, 2008, I looked for a place to live.  Lost and abandoned I went back to school. 

Missing him still, he visits me in dreams...

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